This soon-to-be holiday classic was penned by Catherine Bush, the Playwright-in-Residence at historic Barter Theatre located in Abingdon, Virginia. This fast-paced show chronicles the behind-the-scenes action at St. Catherine’s Academy where the second grade is busy preparing for the Christmas Extravaganza. But will Lucy’s whistling and Anna-Lori’s fire baton twirling be enough to win the first-place trophy for the second grade? And how will the meanest man in town, Mr. Greenbaum, help them out?
Head on over to the Ritz Theatre this Christmas season to find out! Produced with permission and consideration from the Playwright and an Alabama premiere, this show is a treat for all members of the family. The play is produced with permission and consideration of the playwright Catherine Bush.
This project has been made possible by a grant from the Alabama State Council on the Arts.
Come support our talented children and teenagers in this Treehouse Children's Theatre production! Tickets can be purchased anytime at or by calling (256) 547-7469.
December 9-11, 2022 Sunday shows are at 2PM.